
The Pocket Coach


Today we’re talking to Richard Butler who has a very special technique and talent as a business coach. A few weeks ago I got an e-mail from Richard that intrigued me. After talking to Richard for about ten or 15 minutes, it became very apparent that he has a wealth of knowledge that will help me build my business as it can anyone else.

A lot of the processes and procedures that Richard has in place can help you fine tune and focus your business and get things going in a straight direction instead of taking a roundabout way to get to your goals.

Sold By: Sam


In this twp part audio interview we talk to Richard Butler who is a business coach.

Here is Richard:

“About ten years ago I started in the training business. One of the first courses I started up in Ireland was a web design course. It was one of the first courses at pre-university level. I did basically the design and implementation of the course and directed the course. That is where I got interested in the Internet. I ran that for about three or four years and then I wrote a book that got published called, The Internet Demystified. That actually looked at the Internet, tried to get rid of a lot of the technicalities of it, and tried to tell people exactly what the Internet was and what it could do for them.

From there I had the opportunity to change jobs and I started training, in the states you would probably call them pre-service teachers. They are going to be teaching at the primary levels of schools, about four to 11 year olds. I was teaching them IT and how to use IT in the classroom. Over the last couple of years, I’ve gotten more interested in Internet marketing. I’ve gotten many e-mails about how to make millions and millions without doing anything really and sitting in your pajamas at home. That really intrigued me. So, I’ve been developing into that.

It’s strange how things happen. To go back to the e-mail I sent you, it was because of an e-mail that you sent your list about goal setting. I thought that it was a good time to contact you and you replied. One thing led to another a few years ago and I got into life and business coaching. It’s a passion of mine to help people. Coaching really does that: It’s about looking where you are and helping you get to where you want to be.

I’ve been doing that now for the past year and a half. Then, I was thinking about what I could do with my love of the Internet and my love of helping people. It came to me that I have to brand myself and I have to get into a niche. That niche is helping newbies or people who came online a week ago who get bombarded with e-mails that say they can make X,Y, and Z. I want to get to these people and say, “Hold on a second. Let’s get realistic about what you can and can not do on the Internet.” I want to really take them from zero to hero.”

That’s very cool. So, you started this whole process as an offline educational process in the educational system.

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