Insurance Claims Services: Personal & Commercial


Hi my name is Ben Groenewald and I am a professional Insurance Claims Assessor with 55+ years of practical experience. I have excellent knowledge of the industry and qualifications of the highest standard obtained in both South Africa and in the UK.

I am ready to assist you with your insurance claims and I will assure that you will receive every single cent from your insurer that is rightfully yours.

Please see the description of how my services work below.

Sold By: Ben Groenewald


Insurance Claims Services: Personal & Commercial

It is a shocking fact.

Only 2% of individuals in South Africa appoint a Professional Insurance Claims Assessor when they submit a claim to an insurance company.

On this basis, 98% basically say to the insurance company: ”You appoint the assessor – I’m okay with that”.

This is ridiculous.

It is like saying to your, soon to be ex-wife’s divorce attorney, Will you handle the settlement – I’m not going to appoint my own attorney – I will trust your judgement.

What do you think is most likely to happen? Don’t answer the question…I’m sure you know.

It is the same with an insurance claim – especially a big claim.

You need someone like me to help you.

Hi my name is Ben Groenewald and I am a professional Insurance Claims Assessor with 55+ years of practical experience. I have excellent knowledge of the industry and qualifications of the highest standard,  obtained in both South Africa and in the UK.

I am ready to assist you with your insurance claims and I will assure that you will receive every single cent from your insurer that is rightfully yours.

Here is how it works:

Before you make any payment, please read here.

Use the Listing Inquiry Form on this platform to contact me and I will look at the basic details of your claim and/or any claims training need.

If I give you the green light – I will assist you and we will get the ball rolling.

I will send you a custom order number to pay a deposit of R850 on this platform.

Once paid I am exclusively at your service and we can work out the rest of the details and agree the basis of payment for the balance of further fees that will become payable.

I look forward to serving you.

Ben Groenewald

PS: If your company employ admin personnel that you would like to be trained to correctly, and effectively, handle your future claims I will gladly provide such training.


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